Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions about Dobin? Get your answers here.

Yes, the Dobin app is free of charge.

When you use a discount or apply for a new credit card, Dobin gets a commission from the discount or product provider (i.e. merchants and financial institutions).

Your bank account data holds more value than you might realize, especially with the emergence of new data analytics technologies that can turn it into a goldmine! Today, it's possible to infer your shopping preferences and borrowing capacity from your spending and income data.

Yet, gathering this data can be cumbersome and time-consuming. This is where Dobin steps in. Dobin is a user-friendly app designed to streamline the aggregation of all your financial data into one place. It then helps you extract valuable insights from this consolidated data, enabling you to receive personalised deals and recommendations tailored to your needs.

No, Dobin is not a lender and does not provide loans. Instead, Dobin partners with multiple money lenders and financial institutions to bring you attractive loan offers that you can choose to apply for.

Yes, Dobin is independent. Dobin gives no preferential treatment to our partners. Dobin ensures that users get the best possible offers from our partners. Dobin is a “middleman” who helps users gain insights from their data in exchange for the best offers and deals from our partners.

All money lenders and merchants in our network have the same opportunity to present a competitive offer. Dobin never promotes one specific partner or offer on our platform or recommend a product that isn’t a good fit based on our data analysis. It is always up to our users to decide which offer suits them best.